
#euforicEngagementFriday – 12 January 2018

Our latest engagement opportunities:

From the marketplace

  • Coworking in neue Gemeinden: Machbarkeits-Abklärungen  
    Paid | Deadline 15. Januar | Link
  • Join the marketplace team
    Deadline 30 January | Link

From euforia

  • Collaboration Radicale® - spécial jeunes, étudiants et bénévoles
    Rejoint la formation Collaboration Radicale à Genève du 26 au 28 janvier 2018. Plus d'informations ici.
  • Organise ton propre imp!act en Suisse romande
    (r)evolution lab vient à toi ! Participe à la première formation en français et organise ton propre imp!act pour les futurs jeunes changemakers en Suisse romande. Le (r)evolution lab aura lieu le 26-27 janvier à Lausanne + 1 jour en février à Genève + 2 mars à Lausanne. Plus d'informations ici
  • imp!act HSG
    Bereits zum vierten Mal findet vom 9. - 12. April der imp!act HSG statt. Im akademischen Kontext führen wir in 4 Tagen imp!act mit ca. 25 Studierenden durch. Der Anlass ist eine Ko-Kreation von oikos und euforia. Die Absicht mit diesem Projekt ist das “Changemaker Spirit” an die HSG zu bringen. Mehr informationen findest du hier
  • Create an euphoric workshop at EVOLVE - oikos Conference on Social Entrepreneurship
    EVOLVE is a platform for sharing about the increasing opportunities within social entrepreneurship and its rapidly evolving environment. Be part of shaping the conference with an empowering workshop. We invite you to host a workshop on how to turn an idea into a concrete project. Get in touch with for more information.

From our like-minded buddies

  • Introduction to Impact Investing
    The Workshop will cover all aspects of this topic and deliver a broad understanding of the sector. You will learn by practical examples what impact investing is, how it is different from sustainable investments and why this is important for our planet and the people. We will look at different techniques of impact measurement, innovative deal structures that impact investors apply for financing social enterprises. You will also learn about possible investment opportunities with purpose. Join us on Monday 5 February from 18.45 to 21.00. More information here
  • Genderlab - be you network (français)
    Le GenderLab est un événement participatif sur l'inclusion du genre et des thématiques LGBTI dans les organisations de jeunesses. Si tu es intéressé-e à en apprendre plus sur ces thématiques, si tu te demandes comment montrer ton ouverture auprès des jeunes ou si tu veux booster l'inclusion au sein de ta structure, cet événement est fait pour toi ! Quand ? La journée du vendredi 26 janvier 2018 à Genève. Pour qui ? Pour toutes les personnes qui sont en contact avec des jeunes dans leurs structures. Plus d'infos ici
  • Genderlab - be you network (deutsch)
    GenderLab is a hackathon (1 day) on the topic of gender & inclusion that will take place in February 2018. We aim to change youth responsible' attitudes and behaviors towards gender and LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bi, transgender, intersex) youth and thus allow everyone to feel included and reach their full potential. Mehr Infos hier
  • Invitation from Fortuny & Imperative: Start Your Year with Purpose
    During this introductory but highly interactive workshop, you will learn what purpose really means, introducing the purpose movement and the impact of purpose on individuals, organizations, and society. Further, through interactive exercises, we will help you learn how to infuse more purpose into your job and life. What will you take away? Insights about purpose drivers to determine intrinsic motivators, specific tools and tactics to achieve a purpose-rich career and life Handouts. More info here
  • Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context
    is organized under the patronage of UNESCO and enables those active in the fields of science and research to examine moral questions and ethical topics of today and tomorrow in a global context – beyond the boundaries of academic fields, cultures, traditions, religions and worldviews – and to search together for solutions and the possibilities of implementing them. This involves critical analysis, constructive discussions and the consideration of different perspectives. More info and sign up here
  • Social Impact GmbH - Agentur für soziale Innovationen in Deutschland
    Wir suchen personelle Verstärkung an verschiedenen Standorten in Deutschland für ein neues Projekt. Mehr Infos hier
  • Soziale Innovation ist auch im neuen Jahr im Berner Generationenhaus
    Der Verein SIBA veranstaltet am 19. Januar ab 17 Uhr wieder einen Vernetzungsanlass für Projekte der sozialen Innovation und für das breite Publikum. Wir laden alle Interessierten ganz herzlich ein und freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme. 
    Mehr Infos zu SIBA auf Journal B und SIBA auf Facebook

Feel free to share opportunities you're passionate about and help in adding value to the community. Please, send them to