The marketplace is officially launched!

We are excited to announce the official kick-off of the marketplace (working title), the main outcome of our reinventing journey we have gone through the last year*! After many hours of brainstorming, preparing, testing and programming we can present you the first prototype of the platform (with some projects already online!).

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The aim of the marketplace is to create a place where all the potential within the people, partners and projects of the euforia community can become emancipated, where the community members can support each other, and where we seek to let euforia's value and philosophy influence the "outside world". The aim of the marketplace is also to create a system that gives people the possibility to organise a different way of work life with purpose at the center.


The marketplace is an online and offline platform where changemakers, organizations and companies can meet and create sustainable and socially-responsible projects. The platform offers the following services:


  • Individuals and organizations can upload their concrete projects (or project ideas) and find resources (people, money, expertise) to realize them.
  • Changemakers who are looking for engagement opportunities (paid and/or on a voluntary basis) can find projects they're interested in and apply to become part of them.
  • Experienced individuals can sign-up as experts and gift their time (on an in-kind donation basis) as consultants to projects with their expertise.

Two different kinds of Share & Grow Nights give the opportunity to individuals and organizations to take the Marketplace into the "real world":

  • Share & Grow BEING: These meetings are about just being and being supported by the community, to talk about who we are, what we need and how we feel.
  • Share & Grow DOING: The aim of these meetings is to come together, pitch ideas, connect in project groups and prototype together.

The Share & Grow Nights will regularly take place in different cities in Switzerland. The dates will be published on our event page and on Facebook.

The marketplace is the next level of the unleash project and (r)evolution lab. It combines the offline learning platforms and trainings with concrete follow-up opportunities and unleashes the huge potential of the euforia community and network. The only requirement is that the projects meet our values.

Ready, steady, go!

The marketplace was officially launched on September 14 in Bern. You can see here the video of the kick-off session.

The first projects have now been uploaded and the applications come in continuously. Are you already part of it? Visit the marketplace here and check out the offers, or upload your project idea!

(*read more about the journey here).