Recherche de Carrière Implicite ou "à la recherche d'un nouveau souffle professionnel"

>>> Invitation by ISOCEL

Nous nous posons souvent la question du sens de notre vie professionnelle : Comment être et me sentir utile ? Comment ajuster mon fondement personnel et professionnel avec ce que l’on attend de moi ? Que vais-je transmettre et à qui ? Comment vais-je choisir de démarrer ou continuer ma carrière ? Par où commencer pour changer ? Comment être sûr que je ne me trompe pas de voie ? Comment investir la suite ou ma fin de carrière avec plaisir et utilité ? Comment passer de "avoir ou faire un job" à "avoir et investir un projet professionnel" ?

"Based on the Human Element approach, Implicite Career Search is a very simple way to travel to our essence (Campbell Hero’s journey) in order to base our professional objective on our unique contribution to the world. Then a very organized and structured path is explored to build a solid future career on short and long terms."

A tous ceux qui souhaitent visiter ou revisiter leur positionnement et/ou projet professionnel, d’activité, la Recherche de Carrière Implicite peut vous aider à oser vous lancer sur de nouveaux projets ou positionnement, de nouvelles responsabilités alliant "sens", "plaisir" et "efficacité".

Next training session will be Oct 10-13th and Dec 7th, 2017, in Bordeaux, France.
Dead line for registration is Septembre 29th, 2017.

Price (will be invoiced without VAT (French law on trainings)).

  • For companies and public organizations and associations > 20p : 400€/day x 5 days : 2000€
  • For small companies and associations < 20p, independent consultants and  free lancers with OPCA financing (French rule), NGO and Fondations : 300€/day x 5 days : 1500€
  • Personal financing : 150€/day x 5 days : 750€
  • Students and unemployed people : on demand. Please dare to ask for a talk with us.

Prices include Training, ICS documentation, Training logistics (room and pedagogical material), 2 small breaks (1 morning and 1 afternoon). It does not include meals, hotels, transportation to the place.

Special offer for the euforia Community

  • a 25% reduction on all the announced prices if registration is made before July 14th
  • a 10% reduction on all the announced prices if registration is made before Sept 15th
  • Facilities for payment in 2 to 3 times agreed upfront the training by contract for Personal financing, students and unemployed people.
  • You need to ask for a certificate from Euforia to justify you're part of to your network — Please sent an email to

CLICK HERE to find more info and details about the programme.
